[电子邮箱] zhkw-hebei@163.com
(1) 2015-09 至 2018-06, 南开大学, 应用数学, 博士
(2) 2012-09 至 2015-06, 南开大学, 应用数学, 硕士
(3) 2008-09 至 2012-06, 天津理工大学, 数学与应用数学, 学士
(1) 2021-03 至 今, 南宁师范大学, 数学与统计学院,博士未定职
(2) 2018-09 至 2021-03, 华南师范大学数学科学学院, 数学科学学院,无
(1) Kevin Zhao ; The Davenport Constant of The Group C_2^(r-1)⊕C_2k, Electron. J. Combin., 2023, 31(1) (期刊论文)
(2) Kevin Zhao; Qinghai Zhong ; On product-one sequences with congruence conditions over nonabelian groups, J. Number Theory, 2021, 238: 253-268 (期刊论文)
(3) David J. Grynkiewicz; Chunlin Wang; Kevin Zhao ; The structure of a sequence with prescribed zero-sum subsequences, Integers, 2020, 20: A3 (期刊论文)
(4) N. Balachandran; Eshita Mazumdar; Kevin Zhao ; The Harborth Constant for Dihedral Groups, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc., 2020, 35(2): 1-13 (期刊论文)
(5) Pingzhi Yuan; Kevin Zhao ; On the Existence of Perfect Splitter Sets, Finite Fields Appl., 2019, 61 (期刊论文)
(6) Chunlin Wang; Kevin Zhao ; On zero-sum subsequences of length not exceeding a given numbe r, J. Number Theory, 2017, 176: 365-374 (期刊论文)